Category: Finance


What are covered calls and how to use them in trading?

Clare Louise

One favoured strategy that novice traders in Singapore often overlook in options trading is the covered call. This strategy allows investors to generate income from their existing stock portfolio while providing downside protection. A covered call involves selling a call option against an already-owned stock. The seller (or “writer”) receives a premium payment in exchange […]

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The Benefits of Community Banks

Clare Louise

Community Banks have strong roots in their local communities and understand the financial needs of people and businesses that reside within those areas, providing high-quality banking services tailored to each customer’s unique circumstances and goals. They understand that maintaining savings and providing favorable loans will have a substantial positive effect on their local economy and […]

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Navigating the Blogging Landscape in 2023: Unraveling the Potential of the Blog Growth Engine (BGE) Program by Adam Enfroy

Susanne K. Cantu

In an age where the digital realm dominates and online entrepreneurship flourishes, blogging has emerged as a formidable avenue for individuals to establish their virtual presence and generate income. At the forefront of blogging education stands the Blog Growth Engine (BGE) program, a brainchild of the distinguished blogger and digital marketing guru Adam Enfroy. This […]

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Income streams with master limited partnerships

Charles Mizrahi’s Checks – Income streams with master limited partnerships

Dina A. Carr

Investors are forced to seek out reliable income from their portfolios due to low interest rates. One creative solution that Charles Mizrahi has popularized is investing in Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs). Mizrahi’s “MLP checks” strategy uses these unique investments to provide investors with regular cash distributions. The key characteristics of MLPs include: They trade on […]

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